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  • Organic Striploin Steak

Organic Striploin Steak

PriceFrom C$0.01

Our organic striploin steak is a delicious and healthy option for any meal. This premium cut of steak is sourced from grass-fed, free-range cattle, providing you with a healthy and nutrient-rich option. With a marbling of fat that melts away as it cooks, this steak is juicy and tender. Its rich flavor and natural juiciness make it an ideal option for grilling, pan-frying, or broiling. Serve it with a side of vegetables and potatoes for a complete meal. Enjoy the fresh, organic taste of this striploin steak!

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    Our organic striploin steak is a delicious and healthy option for any meal. This premium cut of steak is sourced from grass-fed, free-range cattle, providing you with a healthy and nutrient-rich option. With a marbling of fat that melts away as it cooks, this steak is juicy and tender. Its rich flavor and natural juiciness make it an ideal option for grilling, pan-frying, or broiling. Serve it with a side of vegetables and potatoes for a complete meal. Enjoy the fresh, organic taste of this striploin steak!

    Organic Striploin Steak


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